
Caregiving: Practical Tools for Coping

I have developed a published five part protocol for Minimizing Caregiver Stress while Maximizing Elder Independence (Hellman, 2006). Over a course of several meetings I review the particulars of your family’s unique set of circumstances and resources including Assessing Your Loved One’s Needs; Defining Your Role as a Caregiver; Developing an Extended Care Plan; and Surviving the Stress of Caregiving.

Normal Aging: Myths and Realities
The 3 D’s: Dementia, Depression, and Delirium

Caregiving: Practical Tools for Coping

Caregiving Conflicts: Spouses and Families

Successful Aging and Optimal Longevity

Memory Care: Is it Alzheimer’s or Getting Older


Irving Hellman, PhD.

Serving legal, health,
& eldercare professionals
Serving elders and
their families
Email Dr. Hellman